Coccydynia, commonly referred to as tailbone pain, spreads to the lower buttocks and rib cage. This condition originated around the 1600s, although this term was not used until 1859.
The origin of the word is Greek and comes from the word cuckoo. This is because that part of the spine is shaped like a cuckoo bird’s beak. Common treatments include non-prescription medications to reduce swelling, exercises, a foam donut to change position, heat, and injectable painkillers.
Tailbone pain can feel dull and achy but typically becomes sharp during certain activities, such as sitting, rising from a seated to a standing position or prolonged standing. Defecation and sex also might become painful. For women, tailbone pain can make menstruation uncomfortable as well.
Tailbone pain, also called coccydynia or coccygodynia, usually goes away on its own within a few weeks or months. To lessen tailbone pain in the meantime, it might help:
If your tailbone pain doesn’t improve (chronic coccydynia), consult your doctor. He or she might do a rectal exam to rule out any other conditions. Your doctor might recommend using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to find out if you have a fracture, degenerative changes or, in rare cases, a tumor.
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