Primary Care | Senior Care

Psychological Health

Taking care of your psychological health is just as important as the rest of your body. Emed does not currently offer psychiatric services on location but we work with a variety of specialists nearby to coordinate care for our patients and ensure you get the help you need. Below we’ve collected some resources you may find interesting if you’d like to learn more.

  • Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide
Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide

American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry External

Discusses all aspects of senior mental health and well-being, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, end-of-life care, depression and anxiety in older people, and the roles and functions of the geriatric psychiatrist.

  • Depression and Suicide in older Adults Resource Guide
Depression and Suicide in older Adults Resource Guide

American Psychological Association External

Provides an introduction and bibliography on depression and suicide in older adults. Includes citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, and federal reports and links to additional resources such as consumer guides and brochures.

  • Mental Healthcare In Older Adults
Mental Healthcare In Older Adults

American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry External

Discusses all aspects of senior mental health and well-being, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, end-of-life care, depression and anxiety in older people, and the roles and functions of the geriatric psychiatrist.

  • Depression and Suicide in Older Adults Resource Guide
Depression and Suicide in Older Adults Resource Guide

American Psychological Association External

Provides an introduction and bibliography on depression and suicide in older adults. Includes citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, and federal reports and links to additional resources such as consumer guides and brochures.

  • Depression: What You Need to Know
Depression: What You Need to Know

National Institute of Mental Health External

Describes signs and types of depression and provides tips on how to speak to a depressed or suicidal family member. Includes information on treatments for depression, including therapy and medication, and makes information available in PDF format.

  • Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors)
Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors)

Care for Elders External

Offers depression screening for seniors, educates older adults and their caregivers about depression, links older adults to service providers, and empowers older adults to manage depression through involvement in meaningful activities.

  • Issue Brief 4: Preventing Suicide in Older Adults
Issue Brief 4: Preventing Suicide in Older Adults
  • Mental Health Information: Publications about Older Adults
Mental Health Information: Publications about Older Adults

National Institute of Mental Health External

Includes information on depression, anxiety, and participating in clinical trials aimed at improving the mental health of older adults.

  • Older Adults
Older Adults

Suicide Prevention Resource Center External

Various articles on suicide prevention for older adults.

  • PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults
PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults

United States Department of Veterans Affairs External

Discusses how age-related factors can interact with posttraumatic stress symptoms and the associated problems and implications for research and clinical care.

  • External

Supports two toll-free, 24-hour crisis hotlines, and online and in-person survivor’s groups. Includes information on suicide warning signs, suicide statistics, how to help a suicidal person, and what to do if your loved one needs to be hospitalized.

  • Treatment of Depression in Older Adults Evidence-Based Practices Kit
Treatment of Depression in Older Adults Evidence-Based Practices Kit

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