Primary Care | Senior Care

Work and Volunteer Opportunity

  • AARP Career Center
  • Accommodations
  • Current Openings
  • Experience Works
  • Federal Work Programs
  • Older Workers
  • Senior Community Service Employment Program
  • Senior Corps
  • Senior Job Bank
AARP Career Center

AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons) External

Articles focus on all aspects of career and work after the age of 55, including changing jobs, opening your own business, and staying competitive. Can be searched by job location and interests.


Office of Disability Employment Policy External

Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations explained.

Current Openings

Current Openings
National Older Worker Career Center

Shares job openings available to experienced workers over the age of 55 through the Senior Environmental Employment program and the Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services program. Allows users to find field offices by state and submit applications online.

Experience Works

Experience Works External

Delivers job training to low-income people who are older. Provides a free career-match tool, a list of field offices searchable by state, and a community message board.

Federal Work Programs

Federal Work Programs
Senior Service America External

Operates employment programs for America’s seniors in collaboration with federal programs such as Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), the Senior Environmental Employment Program (SEE), and the Agricultural Conservation Experienced Services Program (ACES) at the state level.

Older Workers

Older Workers
United States Department of Labor External

Information on disability employment and older workers.

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Senior Community Service Employment Program
Department of Labor External

Work-based job training program for Americans 55 or older who have a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level and are unemployed. Focuses on community service activities at nonprofit and public facilities in an employee’s local area. Enrollment priority is given to veterans.

Senior Corps

Senior Corps
Corporation for National and Community Service External

Connects volunteers ages 55 and over with people and organizations in their community.

Senior Job Bank

Senior Job Bank
NHC Group, Inc. External

Provides a jobs database for older job seekers searchable by job title, keyword, company, city, state, or ZIP code.

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